Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A lesson in vocabulary and law

      I had a dream last night that there were cockroaches everywhere in our apartment (we've only ever had the occasional spider, and these things were huge) and no matter how hard I tried I simply couldn't kill them, they just kept coming back. Psychoanalytic interpretation: LCCBW is a pest that will not go away, even after you've tried to squash it. Call in an exterminator, and accept that things will never be patched up. As long as you let her be a part of your life she will be a problem in your life, so let your problems go. 

       In the latest news, LCCBW has decided to make these statements public:

Slander- The action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person’s reputation
Libel- A published false statement that is damaging to a person’s reputation; a written defamation.

Yup, no context. No need when you’re being a petty bitch. But when people rushed to her side and begged to know what was going on and who would do these things, she said: “My ex-best friend Danielle Gaudioso” without hesitation. Now this my dear friends is simply maligning (since we’re learning new words, maligning: to speak about (someone) in a spitefully critical manner), especially given her ungrateful, disrespectful and all around shady behavior. In addition we should note that she has at this point identified me by first and last name, removing the claim of anonymity from any argument she could make. See, when I named her it was first name only, and only so my darling readers didn't have to deal with reading LCCBW every time she was spoken of. Alas, she forced my hand on that one.

See folks, making slanderous statements about the people who took you in and cared for you when you cried (obviously not playing the victim, because LCCWB would never, ever do that!) about how you couldn’t make it on your own and nobody else you knew would even consider taking you in, that’s ok. Especially if you do it in their house, under their roof, while ignoring the terms of your stay there. Let’s familiarize ourselves with some other terms we may have forgotten:

An oral contract- a contract that terms of which have been agreed by spoken communication, in contrast to a written contract, where the contract is a written document. There may be written, or other physical evidence, of an oral contract – for example where the parties write down what they have agreed – but the contract itself is not a written one.
*As a special note to our lovely readers, with sufficient evidence this oral contract can stand up in court, but if that isn’t enough for you then…

In United States law, an implied-in-fact contract (a form of implied contract) is a contract agreed by non-verbal conduct, rather than by explicit words. The defined this in its decision Baltimore & Ohio R. Co. v. United States, 261 U.S. 592 (1923).. That decision described "an agreement 'implied in fact'" as "founded upon a meeting of minds, which, although not embodied in an express contract, is inferred, as a fact, from conduct of the parties showing, in the light of the surrounding circumstances, their tacit understanding."
Such contracts are formed when one party accepts something of value knowing that the other party expects compensation. For example by visiting a doctor, a patient agrees to pay a fair price for the service. If he refuses to pay after being examined, he has breached a contract implied in fact.
Definitions for oral contract and implied-in-fact contract pulled from reference.com. I cite my shit bitch.

**This lovely example could be transferred to the idea of a person moving into another person’s house. The parasitic bitch (in this case LCCWB) would have taken something of value from my it’s host, in this case my family and I, knowing full well that she had created an oral contract to deliver a menial amount of rent in return, or at least some respect.

Now, back to the original matter at hand; defining terms for the petty or illiterate. Haha j/k I don’t care about educating assholes. The matter at hand is that I’m so sick and tired or all of LCCWB’s lies, deceit and attempts to gain pity for herself. It delights me to cross her and her so unfortunately silly boyfriend off of our guest list. It brings that number down and makes one less person for me to have to worry about at the wedding.
            I regret not listening to my friends and family when they warned me that LCCWB was a parasitic danger to my health and well being. People tried to tell me that she just brought me down and was using me and the people around me whom I trust without thought. I doubt this pattern of behavior will change, because a leopard doesn’t change it’s spots, cheaters generally don’t stop cheating, and my over achieving love is still going to full blown Ivy League medical school, not PA school which takes less time and is less prestigious. Side note on the school thing too, we’re making that happen ourselves. We didn’t need to beg for help to get loans or pay off debt we’ve accrued. We’re doing it on our own. Probably finding a way to play the victim, as LCCWB would say.
So my advice to you dear friends, is even when you’re not too sure, consider the mass opinion. Occasionally it will be wrong, and I strongly advise against taking only one opinion (after all, LCCWB spread lies about my now fiancé lying and cheating on me, for no discernible reason other than to break up a relationship with more potential). We should listen to those close to us, and when a Judas is pointed out to us we should give it serious consideration, even if we thought they were one of the few we could trust.
In any event today I think I’m finally ready to open a wedding magazine again. I think I can look at a book, contact a venue, and consider flowers. In the 16 days since our engagement I’ve been unable to do these things without coming to tears due to LCCWB’s actions, and her role in my life. Finally, I think I’m ready to let go and allow myself to enjoy planning a celebration with people who genuinely care about me, not just about themselves.
I’m open to suggestions on almost anything, but don’t get mad if I don’t take them. After all, this is the wedding of Chris and I, so he must agree as well if I like the suggestion!

Solid PS- Thanks to anyone who has been supportive, I’ve really needed it what with finding out that the one person I though I could count on is a liar and can’t be trusted (thank god I’ve learned to trust my fiancé and disclose everything to him so she can’t go behind my back and lie to him about me like she does to everyone else!) and to anyone who hasn’t, why the hell are you still reading my shit? Get a better waste of time. I, personally, enjoy cute cats, so maybe try this. 

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