Thursday, June 16, 2011

It's all great... As long as it's not about me.

    Why is it that everyone loves to read rants and raves about other people (and love to criticize these rants and raves) as long as it has nothing to do with them? From a safe distance it's awesome to watch a bitch get put on blast, or hear about people's troubles and joys, and criticize the decisions and perceptions of other people. As soon as the topic involves themselves, people want nothing to do with it.

    Obvious examples: LCCWB loved to talk shit and see drama play out with me. She used to be addicted to facebook to see how fights between people would come to fruition on facebook, sometimes even going so far as to add in a little something to fuel the flame. Someone rights a little blog about her, and she loses her head, crying and demanding it be taken down. Sure, it could be perceived as cruel and mean and awful in regards to her, but how is it different than the fun she had watching friendships fall apart (and I'm sure this still provides some fun for her now) a year ago, or seeing the next unplanned pregnancy and laughing because it wasn't hers? Next example, our dear friend Georgie boy. He's ready to talk smack on the blog about how in 2 years I'll be feeling like a complete bitch and lying about the situation surrounding my life now (or maybe he means it'll change so drastically by then that I'll feel that way, we'll never know with dear George), but as soon as he gets called out about being wrong and invited to find out the truth about my life his defenses go up, and he makes sure to point out that he has a life and job that keep him busy. Not too busy to read about other people's drama, we might make a note of that.

    But it isn't just these two, it's all of us. Humanity as a whole seems to have this sick urge to witness the suffering of others, to judge and criticize, to say how things should have been and could have been different. Only with other people though. Once the focus is put upon ourselves we back away. All of a sudden what has been fun and entertaining turns childish and unreasonable. Out of bounds and somehow not ok. I say this about no person in specific, but about all of us. If someone wrote these things about me I might be a little flattered that I take up so much mind space, but I'd be the first one to shrug it off as childish or write a nasty comment. If I told you all the story of a girl who fell from grace or a man whose life was out of control you'd love to read it, right up to that moment you realized it was about you... Then the joy of someone else's pain would cease and defenses would come into action.

This goes further, into our celebrity obsession. I, personally, couldn't give a crap about any of it... except if there's a hot chick on the cover of the magazine looking fine, cuz who doesn't love eye candy? But I digress. Millions of these magazines are sold, publishing the "secrets" of people we don't even know, and wouldn't have ever seen if we didn't have a media that promoted it. No one cares if there isn't something negative, a wedding, or a baby going on. Like I said I don't read those magazines so correct me if I'm wrong, but do they even publish anything that doesn't fall into those 3 categories? Wedding, baby, problem. That's all we want to read about.

    We've got a problem, people. A voyeuristic society that can't stand the idea of personal exhibition is setting itself up for failure, or at least disappointment. Why can't we focus on our own lives? After all, they say happiness comes from within.

So by all means, let your emotions flow, vent if you need to, but do your best to let these things pass, and allow yourself to be happy. Look around at your home, your loved ones, the things you do have and let go of the things you don't. You might miss some things that are gone, but as our lovely Carla pointed out: "Sometimes the end is necessary to make room for something good that could happen." And I think it's fair to say we've all got a little more room for potential good in out life.

And here's a little pile of kittens, just for angry people who won't stop reading.

<3 <3


  1. i would just like to say I read other peoples rants and raves when I get the chance.. and yours seem pretty interesting.. I just cant alway respond to comments in a timely fashion. Defenses really never went up

  2. I'm glad that I'm interesting to you George. I'd consider myself a somewhat interesting person... Even though I can be downright crazy.

  3. Who doesn't love to read a good rant that makes them think "Man, my life doesn't suck so bad after all." But it's an endless circle, isn't it? Doesn't someone else come along and think that about the previous person's ranting?

    The problem is that our current society and cultural trends are so transfixed with everything technological. Suddenly, every little thing is at our fingertips. Why else would Facebook have millions of users and more each day? We want the latest and the fastest of everything: the latest rumour, gossip, scandalous pic, lie, even bitter truth. We're obsessed with having to know everything about everyone, even people we don't know, or outdoing someone with the most gruesome, dramatic, horrifying things we can possible think up, whether it be truth or lie. Social media sites have corrupted society, ironically. (See: the people who took pictures of the results of a girl who committed suicide by jumping off a bridge. Did anyone call for help? Possibly. But did people upload these pics instantly to myspace, facebook, facespace, blogsphere, whatchmagallit? Definitely. Why? Because we can, because the resources at hand allow us and we're too naive or caught up in the trend to realise how absolutely negative we are.)

    And our society encourages it and practically begs us to keep all this negativity flowing by tossing in our lap the sleek technology, the gadgets that lure us with the promise of a new level of high-speed that gives us everything we could ever want (but not possibly need) in an instant. Shiny, false promises. What's underneath? We all know, but we refuse to acknowledge it. Eventually, it'll all explode in our faces.

    Anonymity doesn't help. The internet suddenly opens up a whole new world to negativity without ever having to face the physical consequences. The word "troll" takes on a new term and internet bullying is a fashionable trend. We can say disparaging things to people we know, people we don't know, people we might never know. If the people hidden behind their screens said what they write to people's faces, they'd be smacked down. Is it really the cool thing to make people feel like shit? This is our society... and we're feeding the monster. Because, until scientists figure out how to reach out and bitch-slap someone through a computer screen, it'll just keep spiraling out of control.

    At least a blog seems to be a more sophisticated way to vent instead of a petty, much more public, curt post on facebook (word limit, hello??). You're not spreading the word to your hundreds of "friends" instantenously. If someone wants to read the blog, they have to actually go there, right? You're not throwing the link about, shouting "HEY, LOOK AT THE HORRIBLE THINGS I'M WRITING ABOUT LBCCW!" But I'm most definitely biased, since I have my own blog where I post horrible things about people that make me want to kick puppies. And I love you, so that comes into play.

    Regardless, I hope that you keep going and keep being your cooler than cool self and blowing off the negativity that is directed at you, in that way that you always do. With a shrug of your shoulder and a witty, succinct comment.

    I think it's not anyone's business as to what your future is going to be like, nor is it their right to say how it will turn out. It's your future, not their's, and if you're determined to keep the positive outlook, then you'll find the best in life, no matter what the situation. I think that's fantastic, and completely you. And I will keep quietly watching, and hoping for the best for you in life, and reading blogs, cooing at wedding pics (or being there in person, hinthinthint. Kidding), and just generally hoping for the best. It can't hurt, right?

  4. Lol Pancake I love you! No shameless plug for your blog in here... I bet people who love anger would love to read it!!
